Work in western Nevada focused on adding a concurrent vertebrate predator record to the benthic paleoecological record developed by Dr. Tackett. Microfossil teeth from the same deposits as benthic macrofossil samples were used to construct the record. A thorough analysis of biosediments and their taphonomy from the Gabbs Formation resulted in a novel proxy for silica cycling as well as ecological information on multi-part invertebrates leading up to the end-Triassic mass extinction.
Clement, A. M. , Tackett, L. S. , Marolt, S., 2024. Biosediment assemblages reveal disrupted silica cycling and redox conditions throughout the Rhaetian Stage: evidence for a precursor event to the end-Triassic mass extinction. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 112034.
Tackett, L. S., Zierer, D., Clement, A. M., 2022 Actinopterygian and chondrichthyan ichthyoliths reveal enhanced cosmopolitanism in Late Triassic marine ecosystems. Historical Biology, 2131405.